Upper Extremity

The upper extremity refers to the upper limbs, encompassing the shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, and fingers. These regions are crucial for daily activities, enabling tasks such as typing and lifting. However, when pain, discomfort, or restricted mobility affect the upper extremities, it can profoundly impact our daily lives.

At Legros Chiropractic & Rehab, we recognize the importance of addressing upper extremity conditions holistically. Our approach prioritizes identifying the root cause of your discomfort rather than merely alleviating symptoms. We strive to decrease inflammation and restore range of motion through non-invasive methods and gentle adjustments.

Golfer's Elbow/Tennis Elbow

Despite the name, Golfer’s/Tennis Elbow isn’t limited to Master’s or Wimbledon winners. In fact, this debilitating condition often develops from repetitive activities like-- swinging a club/racquet, chopping wood, using handheld tools, or even lifting a suitcase.

Golfer’s Elbow, medial epicondylitis causes pain and tenderness on the inside of the elbow, while Tennis Elbow, lateral epicondylitis causes pain and burning on the outside of the elbow. Both are overuse injuries from repetitive activities which cause micro-trauma and inflammation of the tendons between the elbow and wrist.

Chiropractic adjustments can ease the symptoms of these conditions and may correct underlying mechanical problems that increase risk for development. Soft-tissue therapy is another technique that addresses inflammation and relaxes muscle knots. Active and passive stretching may also break up fascial adhesions binding the muscles and tendons. If you’re experiencing arm pain you think may be associated with this condition, give Dr. Lacie Legros at Legros Chiropractic & Rehab a call to set up an appointment today.

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, caused by the compression of the median nerve in the wrist, can be both common and painful. Symptoms such as pain, tingling, and burning sensations in the palm of the hand extending toward the fingertips are hallmarks of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Although there may be swelling, patients often feel it even when it's not visibly noticeable. This condition can lead to a loss of hand strength and difficulty handling small objects, which can significantly impact daily routines. Since continued pressure on the median nerve can lead to hand immobility, it's essential to seek prompt treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The discomfort linked to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome arises from misaligned tissues and bones pressing on the nerves. In many cases, a specific trigger such as a wrist injury or fracture may contribute to the development of this condition.

Certain jobs that involve repetitive hand movements or prolonged use of vibrating tools may increase the risk of developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Additionally, it can arise without an obvious cause. Individuals who are overweight, pregnant, or have metabolic disorders affecting the thyroid and pituitary glands are at a higher risk. It's worth noting that irritation of spinal nerves is often cited as a common factor in cases of unexplained Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Lower Extremity

Lower Extremity refers to the lower limbs, including the hip, leg, knee, calf, and foot.

Quadricep Strain

A quad strain is when the big muscle that runs down the front of your thigh is overstretched or pulled. Strains may take several weeks to heal, but chiropractic care can alleviate pain and expedite recovery. A combination of soft tissue manipulation, localized muscle massage, stretching, and/or muscle activation may be incorporated. Dr. Lacie may also use Kinesio® tape to relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and to provide support to joints and muscles.

If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, give Legros Chiropractic & Rehab a call today to begin treatment.

  • Inflammation, redness, bruising
  • Muscle tenderness and weakness
  • Pain while engaging the muscle
  • Pain while resting
  • Inability to use the muscle

Hamstring Strain

A Hamstring Strain is an acute injury characterized by a sharp pain or "pop" on the backside of the thigh. For the first few days, ice, compression, light massage can help to reduce the swelling and ease pain. Dr. Lacie may utilize myofasical release techniques that invlove applying pressure to the injured muscle to release knots or tension that may be present. It can be used in conjunction with massage to help flush fluid, loosen the muscles, and decrease scar tissue.

Symptoms may include:

  • Acute swelling and bruising
  • Significant tenderness when touched
  • Loss of normal leg function or mobility

IT Band Syndrome

The Iliotibial Band (IT band) is a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs along the outside of the leg. It starts at the hip and extends to the outer side of the shinbone just below the knee joint. The IT Band rubs over the thighbone when you bend and straighten your knee. Doing this over and over can cause inflammation, which is why Runners, Skiers, and Basketball players are the most prone to suffering this injury. The most common symptoms include pain on the outside of the knee and leg that radiates up the outer thigh.

Initial treatment may include Graston®, a type of soft tissue massage using stainless steel instruments to break up fascial adhesions. This treatment temporarily causes inflammation to the injured area which initiates blood flow thus promoting the healing process. Low impact exercises like foam rolling, hip flexor stretching, and clamshell exercises are usually prescribed to encourage healing and strengthening.

Knee Pain

Although surprising to some, chiropractors can treat knee pain! Millions of people worldwide suffer knee pain that can cause discomfort and limit mobility. Common causes of knee pain include injury, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and may also result from IT band syndrome.

Dr. Lacie at Legros Chiropractic & Rehab may provide spinal adjustments, localized massage, and ultrasound to treat the injured areas. She may also prescribe rehab exercises to strengthen muscles around the knee joint to provide better stability. A patient with knee pain may also be referred for acupuncture or cold laser therapy to stimulate healing.

Calf Strain

If you're a runner, soccer player, or football player, you've likely been thoroughly introduced to Calf Strains. But not to worry, chiropractic care can provide immediate relief for someone suffering with a calf inury. Calf Strains usually take a few days to begin healing, but more severe cases may take several weeks.

Calf Strains usually occur from an acute injury like landing and rebounding too quickly or sprinting on a cold muscle. It can also be the result of repetitive overuse.

Pain may vary based on which calf muscle is strained, but all are likely to induce pain of the calf. Typical symptoms include stiffness, discoloration, and bruising around the muscle, but more severe symptoms may include:

  • An audible "pop"
  • Pain when activating the calf muscle
  • Walking on the tip toes
  • Applying pressure to the calf muscle

You can expect a healthy dose of soft tissue therapy or localized massage along with rehabilitation exercises to reduce tightness in the calf muscles.

Ankle Sprains

An ankle sprain is an injury involving the stretching or tearing of your ligaments. An injury on the inside of the ankle is known as an eversion sprain, while an injury on the outside is known as an inversion sprain. This condition is usually caused by walking, running, jumping, or just standing. It is likely that nearly everyone has had some degree of a sprained ankled at some point in their lives. Regardless of which type of sprain you have suffered, sprains are characterized by three grades.

Grade 1-Ligaments have stretched beyond their normal capacity, but have not torn. Pain is usually mild with little swelling. There is usually discomfort when jumping, jogging, or walking.

Grade 2-This is the most common type of ankle sprain where the ligament is partially torn making walking difficult. There will be moderate pain and difficulty using the ankle along with swelling and possible bruising.

Grade 3-This is the most severe type of sprain involving a full tear of the ligament. Pain and swelling are usually significant.

Chiropractic care can provide pain relief, speed up recovery time, improve mobility and range of motion. Mobility and strengthening exercises like using a wobble board will help increase stability and strength of the ankles.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the thick band of tissue spanning from the heel to the foot's end. The plantar fascia absorbs pressue and shock placed on the foot while standing, walking, or running. When the tissue becomes inflammed from too much strain or pressure, the condition is known as plantars fasciitis.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis may vary, but usually include excessive exercise, wearing shoes with poor arch support, standing for long periods of time, and other activities that may create prolonged strain and pressue on the feet.

Pain usually resides in the heel, but can extend along the tissues in the bottom of the foot.

Adjustments and soft tissue work will often help resolve acute plantar fasciitis. Excercies and stretches may also be prescribed to help heel support and promote healing.

If you're experiencing foot pain believed to be the result of plantars fasciitis, give Legros Chiropractic & Rehab a call today to get relief now.

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